
Ultrasound 25 wks

Went to the doctor today for an ultrasound! I'm getting them regularly because of my high blood pressure in the past. It is under control now, but with high blood pressure you're at risk for other stuff too, so they just like to keep a close watch on baby Dalton's progress. They are making sure he's growing well and my fluid level is good and stuff like that. I don't mind going in because that just means I get to see my baby boy more often! Today he was opening and closing his mouth! haha. The ultrasound tech was like "He's either talking or drinking the fluid" And I'm like either one is believable... if he gets his mouth from us, it's usually doing one or the other (talking or eating)!! They said he is head-down and he had a hand AND a foot above his head~~ that explains all the crazy movement I've been feeling! He also poked himself in the eye while we were watching! That was funny! :)

I asked Dad to go with me since Todd can't get off work for every appointment-- he was thrilled! He had never seen an ultrasound before, so it was really cool that he got to see Dalton moving around and hear his heartbeat too! Grandpa was proud!
Here's the one with his MOUTH open!
Cute profile with five fingers beside his forehead!
Those circles in front of his lips are bubbles! He was blowing them!


"Bundle of Joy" Registry

Since I had not registered for enough stuff before. I added a few things to an online registry at The items I registered for are online only, if you are an online shopping kind of person! There were a few things I needed that Babies Rus and Target did not have. :) ENJOY!


Picture says it all!

In the past few weeks, I've gotten the following comments:

"Whew, you look like you're 'bout due, aren't ya?" -- family member (this was at about 18-20wks)

"If I were you I'd just get a men's shoe, that way it will be wide enough" --Payless saleswoman

"When are you due? . . . Oh you are a nice size for 6months!"-- coworker

"When are you due? . . . Oh wow you are really big to have so far to go . . . sure it's not twins??"-- another coworker

"Are you going to be able to work until December??"-- another coworker

Okay seriously, take note that most of these people are my coworkers who work with emotional preggos every day! Do these things seem like okay things to say? Some people just have no tact at all!! I'm sure it's only going to get worse.
I'll keep sharing-- just please laugh with me NOT at me!


Weekend in the Mtns

At the Dillard House, yum yum!

Mom carrying our loot from the Dillard House! That was our lunch on Sunday!

Blake and his new friend at the Resort! She was his favorite thing about the trip!

Nanny couldn't keep her pole in the water long enough to catch a fish . . . but, finally!

Blake finally getting the hang of casting!

Nanny putt-putting. She is SOOO competitive!

The guys!

Preggo putt-putting!

Mom and Lynnie

We went up to our condo in Clarkesville, North GA for the weekend. Nanny, Mom, Lynnie, and Blake went with us. We had a great time fishing, picking apples, playing games, putt-putting, and eating of course! Nanny seemed to really enjoy it all, despite being almost 90yrs old, she hung in there with the rest of us. There were 6 steps down to our condo and she was adamant that nobody was going to help her. Eventually she said " I guess I'd better do what ya'll want me to!" and let Todd and Lynnie carry her down each time. She kept saying she didn't need her walking stick and leaving it in the room/car/etc. Now I see where the family's stubborness comes from! I hope I still have spunk like that when I'm 90yrs old! Praise God that we still have her with us to do fun things!
Now it's back to work! Yuck Yuck!


Drowning in a sea of BABY STUFF!

What a day! I am expecting the next few weekends to be very busy-- next weekend we're going to the mtns, then working the next weekend, and then Todd's family reunion and Festival of Light on the last weekend of the month, then work, then going to Daytona for an entire week! (Now that I wrote that out, I realize I do have a lot going on. GREAT~ now I'm overwhelmed!)
Soooo.... we decided to go ahead and register for baby stuff while we had a free weekend. Todd is not the most opinionated person (well, not for these kind of things) so my Mom came with us for her opinion and motherly input. We headed off to Babies R Us after filling our bellies at Chick-fil-a. And thank God we did fill our bellies, because I had no idea what the next 3 1/2 hrs would hold! We signed in and got our scanner gun. Mom and I started on the small stuff (pacifiers, bottles, first aid stuff) while Todd ran next door to get some stuff for the dogs. When he returned, finished with his shopping, we had gotten through all of 2 aisles, literally! Side note: for the past few weeks I have been online shopping and comparing different items to better prepare myself for this journey; HOWEVER I think it took me just as long, if not longer to get through this process! We signed out and gave the scanner gun back after 3 1/2 hrs. The girl at the desk was like "We were wondering about you, you are the only one that hasn't signed out!" Imagine that! Anyway, 3 1/2 hrs later, we had finished registering for EVERYTHING I could possibly EVER need!!!!
Attn Family and Friends: There are 11 pages of stuff for all of you to choose from, please do not let me catch you in the store fighting over items! Haha. Trust me, there is PLENTY there. And I also registered online for a few items at Target!


Doctor's visit

Went to the doctor today. Everything was fine: blood pressure good, no protein in my urine like last time (I've been drinking my water!! YAY), belly measures 23wks, heartbeat very strong at 150-155! So nothing really going on. I'm almost to the point where he could survive outside the womb if he was born early. His lungs will be developed enough at 24-25wks, so that is considered the age of viability. That is so great. Almost there.


Back to school, whoop de doo. . .

As an TW (teacher's wife) I hate back to school just as much as every student, teacher, and parent out there! I miss Todd so much already! Summer is the best time for us and makes me realize how much I love being together. During the summer Todd would get up with me to eat breakfast before I went off to work, then he'd go back to sleep. On my days off we'd be together all day, whether it was out and about or just hanging out at home. You all know that wherever one of us is, the other is close behind (usually me, these days I don't walk too fast)! Now when I get up for work it's all quiet and dark in the house while Todd is snoring. I eat breakfast by myself and then I'm off for another glorious day of work. And on my days off I can be found lying on the sofa, that's if I make it out of bed, or at the computer doing meaningless junk! Fun fun!
Plus, it doesn't make it any better that I now have to start cooking and cleaning again. I definitely don't mind sharing responsibilities at home because Todd really helps me out a lot when he doesn't have to. But during the summer he pretty much does everything since he's home everyday. It's so nice to come home and not have to worry about laundry or dishes!
I know you are all like whah, whah, get over it. But I just wanted to share how much I hate back to school too!!! It's like I'm depressed.


Soccer anyone!?!

I have been waiting for this feeling . . .
Baby Dalton has gone from swimming and fluttering to down right kicking and bumping. It feels like he puts his feet against my uterus and just pushes off to swim (just like we do in the pool). It's an amazing thing to feel this confirmation that I'm growing this little life inside of me!
Todd says that he can feel him a lot at night when I'm asleep. He says that while I'm sleeping, Dalton is playing. According to my book, while I'm up and about during the day my movements rock him to sleep, then at night I'm finally motionless and he's WIDE awake!
I can really tell a difference when I've just eaten too! He likes food just like his mommy and daddy! It's funny how I have already noticed patterns in his movement. This is so incredible! God is an awesome creator!!
All I can say is that Todd and I better be learning about soccer, because it looks like he's going to be a fan of the game! Haha.


Baby Dalton isn't shy anymore...

Baby Dalton's profile, cute lips!
The jewels we've been waiting to see!
Went to the specialist today to retry this ultrasound thing. All that talking to Dalton must have affected him because he finally obeyed and let us get a lot of great shots of him. He was moving around and positioned great. The doctor was very thorough and pointed out each little thing. We saw: teeth, lips, open mouth, eye sockets, nose, sinuses, brain, lungs, stomach, umbilical cord and blood flow, heart beating (and heard it), kidneys, pee-pee, leg bones, arm bones, spine, hands, and feet! He says everything looks "beautiful" and "healthy"! Great news, praise God!! Dalton measured exactly 21wks and weighs about 13oz. (a little shy of a pound). The doctor zoomed in on his little mouth and his big lips were spread apart and puckered-- that was my favorite part, looked like he was sucking or tasting! :)
I asked about my only ailment~my swelling feet and he pretty much said "suck it up"-- just kidding. He said that support hose would help, but it's so hot right now to hold off on those for fall, just to keep them elevated when I get off work!
That's all for now.
Kicking 24/7