
Good Morning, Dalton!

This morning instead of the usual crying to let me know he's awake... I just happened to come to check on him from the other room... and this is what I found! He was just laying there content with smiling, cooing, and chewing on his fingers! What a precious 2 month old!!


Dalton Cooing and Smilin': Part 1

This was on 1-9, Dalton began cooing at the ceiling fan...

(Sorry for the "sidewaysness" of this video, I took it with my digital camera)

Stealing Hearts!

Dalton's first captured smile! He was cooing at the turtle over his changing table!
His shirt says it all~~ "HeartBreaker"


You're Not 49 ANYMORE!

Happy Big 5-0h to Mom!

Lynnie and I put together a little get-together for Mom's 50th Birthday! It was lots of fun and thanks to all of you who came to share her special day.

The "roast" of Jan

Suzette's red hat, letting Mom know she's welcome to join! 4 Generations!

Mom 50, Nanny 90

What a cute picture!

Of course it was the coldest day EVER to drag Dalton out!
Here's my little snow bunny in the car!


Prayer Requests

Not so much good news around the House of Payne lately...

Todd's uncle Pete passed away on Tuesday afternoon after a long battle with various cancers. He leaves his wife Norma of 48yrs. I cannot imagine losing the love of my life after all those years. Please pray for her and their children that they will look to the Lord as their Rock during these difficult times. Although during times like these, it's easy to turn away from the Lord, He is the lamp to light our path.
Also this week, one of my Mom's 1st cousins, Kay, was tragically shot and killed in some sort of dispute. She leaves behind lots of family, but most importantly her 2 sons, both younger than me each with a small child. Please pray for this family. I cannot say it is easier to lose someone who has struggled with cancer for years, but I can only imagine that it is much more difficult to cope with the tragic death of someone this young, so unexpected. Pray that her young sons will not be angry with God, but that they will understand that only He knows the reasons and only He can comfort them in their darkest days.
Please also pray for Scott and Melissa Evans, members of our church, and their family. Melissa's father also tragically died this week. He was eating at home with his wife and choked. They were not able to resuscitate him. He was a member of our church as well, but I really only know Scott and Melissa. Once again, I cannot imagine losing someone this way. Pray that the Evans family will lean on the Lord during this time, and that the members of the church will be a backbone for them, as they were when we lost Todd's mom. It helps to know people are praying during times like these.

Thank you all for hearing these requests and please keep these families in your hearts and prayers!


Our 1 Year Old (11/22/09)

So here I am, looking back, in awe of how fast this year has gone by. This year was filled with a lot of learning, laughter, tears, and a whole lot of LOVE! People tell you that you can never understand the love between a mother and child until you have a child of your own. I now have a complete grasp on that idea . . . and it's so true. There is nothing I wouldn't do for this sweet little red-head who has my entire heart and carries it around in his little body! He is the perfect mini-clone of myself and the man of my dreams. What more could I ask for? God has totally blessed us with an amazing child. Thanks to all of you who are a part of this little guy's life and for shaping him and making him who he is. Continue to pray that God will use Dalton.


Yay, I'm back!

I got WAY behind on everything! But I know you are all glad to see that I finally caught up. I will try to do better at keeping this updated. I used to do so good . . . pre-Dalton! Now, I do good to get a shower on most days! Haha! Most of this back-posting I did at 4:45 this AM while Dalton was drifting back to sleep after I fed him. I gotta do it when I can! Todd said, "What are you doing at 4:45 on there that cannot wait?"


Growing up fast . . .

Almost 6 wks6 1/2 wks

6 1/2 wks

7 wks

During these last few weeks, Dalton has started doing new stuff:
  • "Ah-goo"ing at Mommy and Daddy and Mimi
  • Smiling at the ceiling fan and turtles on the wall and sometimes even at Mommy and Daddy
  • Pooping in the bathtub
  • Sleeping 8 hrs straight during the NIGHT! Praise God!

So Sorry, Falcons

Good effort by the Falcons . . .
too bad they couldn't pull off a win
in the playoffs
for their smallest fan!

Thanks to Grampaw for his cute shirt and hat!

He was a little upset by their loss... can't you tell?


Thank You!

Don't worry, the family went easy on presents this year
since he's not old enough to know the difference . . .